Saturday, December 2, 2023


Oh my goodness I cannot believe November is over and the end of the semester is near! It has been such a sweet, encouraging, and busy time! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have been reflecting a lot on how good God has been to me in the simplest of things! Which has been very encouraging to see and be thankful for.  Praying that this season of holidays is awesome for you guys!


Core has been so sweet! I am really encouraged to see how God has been working in each of these girls' lives! The girls in my Core have also been becoming closer with each other! This is so sweet because it shows that they desire to build community in core and want to be part of each other's lives outside of the core. I have also enjoyed getting to see them outside of core throughout the week! One-on-one ministry is definitely essential! You get to know one another more personally and deeply than maybe you would in a group setting! 

This is Alex! I am studying FOJ (Focus on Jesus bible study) with her! I have been really encouraged by our conversations and how she wants to intimately pursue Jesus. This is us going to see the new Hunger Games movie! It was a lot of fun!

This is Jamie and me while planning core! Getting to lead core with Jamie has been one of my favorite things this year! She really cares about the people in core and wants to see them pursue Jesus! She is also very intelligent and fun!

Pizza Theology

This past month we had our Pizza Theology where we got to dive deeper into big topics surrounding our society. This pizza theology Iain Provan came who is a professor at Regent College in Canada. This semester's pizza theology was over "What does it mean to be human?", it was focused primarily on how there are ideas in our society that have affected how we think it means to be human. He also talked a lot about how we often accept ideas and don't really think about it for ourselves. I found this very interesting and have been thinking about this for the past couple of weeks!

A picture of our Pizza Theology event! 


My classes have been very thought-provoking and I have been learning a lot of things! I have found my evangelism class to be very interesting! Personally, I have never gotten the chance to think about evangelism deeply. It has been interesting to think through what evangelism means and also what is it supposed to look like. We discussed in class that evangelism is supposed to be both action and words. I found this helpful because oftentimes I find myself thinking that when tell someone about Jesus I need to say the right thing so they will follow but it is helpful to know that our actions matter also and not just words. 

Extra pictures:

This is Monika! I met up with her this past month and it was so sweet! I was surprised to see that our stories are pretty similar which was so cool to hear and see! 
This is me, Clara, and Mackenzie at our Collin Ladies brunch we had this past month! I loved getting to see outside of things I would normally see them!

Thank you so much again to all of you guys for praying and supporting me! I cannot believe that I get to do this and also you are taking part of in what God is doing in the lives of these students! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! 

Prayer Requests
  • Please be praying for the students as they wrap up finals! Pray that they would lean on God and be given endurance! 
  • Please also pray that the students will have an awesome break! That they would still reach out to the community and lean on God. Pray that they would be good stewards of their time as well over the break. 
  • Please pray for our winter retreat coming up! Pray that the students can come and if they have any hesitation they will talk about it with someone! Please also pray that the hearts of the staff and students will be prepared for winter retreat in how God wants to work. 
In Christ,
Carolina :)

Howdy everyone!

 Howdy everyone!  He is risen!! I hope everyone had a wonderful easter! It has been a month full of sweet moments that have been blessings a...